31 January, 2008

ECA Open Day

This is soooo stupid!!!!!i wrote like an extremely long post and then when i tried to publish it my connection got jammed.now its all gone.NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW I SHALL WRITE IN POINT FORM
-went into my normal not talking to anybody moods so i refused to have lunch with ainessa so i had it alone
-had to study for accounts test
-ate chocolate for lunch
-got hungry an hour later
-have to do whAT are the social and legal consequences of a marriage for my legal studies project
-thank god accounts test wasnt thath hard coz 5% of the total marks will be counted in my internal assessment
-stupid econs test tomorrow in the multi purpose hall!!!!!juz like SPM!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO SCARED LAH.
had ECA open day where you pick what clubs to join
-i joined the leaders club-it organisers stuff.I.E If prom has no performances then we organise them for you or if you want to do something and you need ppl to organise for you you get us.
-then i joined TAYMUN-Taylors College Model United Nation damn cun rite.I wanted to debate but i didnt want to join the debate club so i joined this.it has debate but it also has other stuff
-then i joined the newsletter club
-and tennis club!!!!!btw i cant play tennis for nuts.But for this club it doesnt matter if you dont come and Abi forced me to join
-the end-


Jo-Ann said...


Loves! XOXO.

Sham said...

Sorry lah.i still cant put that chat thing lah

Jo-Ann said...

Why not??